Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I pray my words will reach you.

To my future husband,

Hello, wherever you are. I just thought about you. This may be weird but I just wanted to talk to you.To say these things to you. Even if you are not listening right now. You'll listen to this letter of mine, someday. Are you doing fine? I hope you are.

Hello, you. Hello my future nobleman. I'm not a young woman in distress or anything.. I know it doesn't sound right for me to say.I'm just saying, I'm waiting, waiting on my Heavenly point you to a star..I'm enjoying my life right now..I hope you are too.. I know I'm not talking to some untrue of my imagination..I know you are real..somewhere..out there..and at the right time we'll Heavenly Father's own perfect time. I pray that you are in good company..and I reach out and declare blessings upon you..wherever you are.
Are you smiling? Happy?

If you are I'm glad..but..if you're sad..I pray my words will reach you.. not my voice.. but Heavenly Father's voice..telling you..assuring you..that you are not alone and that He loves you soo much. He is with you..everyday.. I hope you feel that. I know you will. I pray that you will be the priesthood holder that Heavenly Father wanted..prepared you to be for me.. Pressure? haha..don't be.. don't worry..I am doing my best too..this may take a while..but while I wait..I'll save my bosom for you..while I wait..I'll love myself..while I wait I'll devote my time and love to the Father who gave love and is Love.I'll spend more time with him. While you're not my date for now.. He'll be mine ;)

I remember it was 2010 (High school year) when I first write my promise message in my journal a small message but meant soo much to me the start of my unfolding promise to God that I'll wait for His best, and that is you. Until now. I am keeping my promise.

You are loved. You are you know that? I can't wait for the day..for the time that I'll be one saying it to you.. I pray for your safety everyday..and that while I'm taking baby steps with too..are doing the same. I'm sorry if at times I get impatient. For entertaining curious thoughts like " how does it feel to have a boyfriend?" stuff like that..  but I want to let you know that I am secure.. secure of my father's love..of His love. If I may have now..for instance.. know that they are just crushes..and that they'll stay as that.

If someone else may get to read this letter..he/she'd probably think I'm crazy.. like, "what is she talking about? desperate much?" words like that.. but who cares? I don't care.. I'm not writing this letter to him/her or them.. I'm writing this to you..and with every word I am sincere of all the things I say.. They may call me delusional..but I know my own identity and that is in Christ. He has promised me that he has set you apart for me..and I stand on it.

I'm not a perfect Christian (LDS). I slip and fall at times..but I believe that Heavenly Father will be with me every step that I take..and that He will be one who will draw us close. When I was it 17? I'd have to bear with my forgetfulness in the future XD moving on..  I wrote a letter same as this to was more.. unbelievable.. (for my english subject project) I'll be posting it later soon as I find it.. you'll see the difference..don't laugh..okay.

I pray that you will love me as I am..that you will see past my imperfections and my weaknesses.. my insecurities.. and I pray too.. that Heavenly Father will instill my heart to love you..but I'm sure it'll just come naturally.. not that I'm having doubts..I'm just making sure that my heart will beat for the right person..for you.. and I know that He will help me finding my way to you..not for now..but someday. I'll be able to pinpoint you..haha..

I don't expect you to be Mr. Perfect or.. Mr. Right.. I just want you to be "The Man.." The man that Heavenly Father has set apart for me. A man after own Heavenly Father's heart. I pray to keep you away from bad influences  I don't drink..or smoke.. I don't drink tea or coffee just chocolate.. not being strict or anything.. May my declarations reach you..I know they will..

I know that you are handsome..not being picky or anything..but..yeah..anyways.. I know that you’ll be caring and sweet..that you’ll comfort me when I’m sad..

But.. if you’re not one.. I’ll still accept you.. just the way you are.. I know you’ll surprise me in your own way.. most of all.. I know you’ll love me for me.. I know that you will wait for me.. I just know it.. I thank Heavenly Father that He is a part of my life and forever will be.. Imagine.. if He wasn’t..

Hey, guard your heart okay? Because I’m guarding my heart for you.. true love waits.. and so I’ll wait for the day..when we’ll finally meet..when we’ll finally get to say our first “hello.” To this day, I’m still wearing  my promise..I’ll keep it.. I know you will too.. I know I am being modest.. but..don’t you ever think you can’t hug me or hold my hand..

I like hugs.. especially if they’re from you.. call it corny but yeah..
Yes. I admit I am in my day dreaming state XD

Let’s enjoy life for now ok? I don’t want things to rush.. I won’t forget you.. We both know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us.. for us to meet, for sure at the Temple of the Lord.. and to have a bright and better future.. Let’s live our “Happily Ever Before.”


If the time comes..please forgive the butterflies in my stomach and for getting tongue-tied. for my stories.. well..if you’d ever read it which is a one in a million.. they are just like my journal.. and if you’re already part of a chapter..or maybe you just passed by..
Still..don’t worry.. I’ll still save a whole lot of chapters for you..

Years from now.. I'll be reading this letter again.. I'll be amazed of the journey that has undertaken..Be amazed of His goodness..I'll smile and for sure laugh.. at the 19 year old me.. and years from now.. I'll be reading this letter to you.. Not just to show you that I'm such a dreamer but to prove to you.. my sincerity and how blessed I am to have met you.. finally..

so like me, this letter will wait.. until I can finally give it to you..

until then..
Meet you there Someday,